Sunday, May 13, 2012

What We Know About Pokemon Black 2 and White 2

Teach us Professor Oak

We're a little more than a month away from the release of Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 in Japan, and then at some point this fall, the games will drop here in North America and Europe. While these games do take place in the same region as Pokemon Black and White, and share a lot of similarities, there are some notable changes coming. While there still isn't a whole lot of information available yet, there's enough to already be excited about. So lets go over what we already know about the newest entries into the Pokemon series.

Oh just one note, I'm going to assume Nintendo of America will rename a lot of this new stuff when the localize the game over this summer, so just keep in mind most of the new city and character names will not be staying the same.

The Region

Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 will be taking place in the Unova region, same as the first pair of games, and you will visit many of the places you've already been to. However there are some changes to the are this time around. A significant portion of the areas you visited in the first Black and White, including the first few starting towns, are now covered with glacial ice. So a new section of Unova in the southwest has been added as the new starting area. The starting town is a place called Hiougi City, and unlike the past starting areas it's a fairly sizable place. It even has a Pokemon Center and an area where you can look out over the mountains in the distance. Not much else has been revealed about the other new areas, though there have been some screenshots out, one of which shows an underwater tunnel covered with glass that allows you to look at Mantine as they swim by. Some of the existing areas have also been updated as well. The area that was under construction along Route 4 has been completed, and Driftveil City appears to have undergone major changes as well. An interesting thing to note is that the Pokemon League area is part of the chunk of the map covered in ice, and there doesn't appear to be a replacement for it. This could mean that the story of the game will involve saving the areas covered in ice, or perhaps we're in the dark about something else (a distinct possibility.)


Obviously we'll be introduced to a host of characters both new and old in Black 2 and White 2. There is a new rival and protagonist, with the usual options for both. There is also a new professor, Akuroma. Aside from those new faces there are also several new gym leaders, including Homika, a punk rock looking girl who specializes in poison type Pokemon, and Shizui who is a new water type gym leader. Returning characters so far include Bianca, who is now an aide for Professor Juniper, who gives you your first Pokemon. Cheren also returns as the first gym leader you face. He will specialize in normal type Pokemon. Alder will also be reappearing, though to what extent isn't known yet. While very little else is confirmed, you can expect a fair few other familiar faces to pop up (more on that later).


Obviously at the core of any Pokemon game are the Pokemon themselves. The entire Unova region pokedex will obviously be returning, there will also be some of the older Pokemon in the game this time around. If you don't remember, Pokemon Black and White did not have any of the previous 493 Pokemon in it's regions, except for a few areas unlocked after you beat the game. This time around, while not every Pokemon will be available for capture, there will be more than enough to mix things up a bit. Flaffy, Metagross, Psyduck, and Lucario are among the confirmed Pokemon you can catch this time around. There are two new legendary Pokemon coming as well, Keledo and Melotta. Keledo is associated with the trio of Virizion, Cobalion, and Terrakion. There are also the two new version mascots, Black Kyurem and White Kyurem. It is unclear whether these are two distinct Pokemon, or if they are simply two new forms for Kyurem, or if it is a form for Reshiram and Zekrom. The roaming trio from Black and White are also getting new forms called Sacred Beast Forme. These can only be caught in the Pokemon AR game coming this summer in Japan (with good chances of being released elsewhere later.)


This is the one area that has been pretty sparse in information. Apart from the things I've already mentioned, there is little else that has been revealed. Nobody knows what has become of N, but that's really the only thing we have heard thus far. So....basically we don't know much.

Other Things

Replacing the Pokemon Musicals is Pokewood, a place where you can go and make a movie of some sort with your Pokemon. There aren't any details on what this is like, or if it's a mini game of some sort, but it sounds pretty interesting. Pokemon Global Link is also returning, along with the Dream World. There will be new areas for you to explore there, though that's about all we know as of now. There is also now something called the Pokemon World Tournament. In this area you can battle gym leaders and elite four members from previous games, which is really cool. Because of the wide variety of possible combatants, this is assumed to be something unlocked after you beat the game, but you know what they say about assumptions...

So that's about all we know. Not a whole lot, but plenty to already have me excited, and you should be too. Post some comments, and lets hear what you think about the changes coming or what you'd like to see. Don't be shy, even if I know you do it anyway!

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Friday, May 4, 2012

You Should Be Worried About The Elder Scrolls MMO

...Don't stab me with my own sword!

It was a rumor for months, but a leak of the next issue of Game Informer has finally confirmed it: The Elder Scrolls is going to be getting the MMO treatment. Initially the hope for this games online prospects has been high, after all Bethesda have created some fine RPG's, so surely the new ZeniMax Online studio will work closely with them and make it as close to the experience we've come to know and love right? Well, you may want to sit down for this, because this is going to sting...

This may be the worst decision ZeniMax has made with one of it's franchises. Ever.

Now to be fair, there are some parts of this first batch of information that caught my eye. First off the story. The game is set a millennium before Skyrim, which gives us a chance to see the lad of Tamriel in a whole new way. The fact that you will be able to travel between different provinces is also fairly appealing, as the past three Elder Scrolls titles have kept you more or less within the boundaries of the province the game is set in. There are caves and dungeons that aren't instances and are simply part of the game world. It also seems like player factions will be able to have a bit of power in the game, so much so that the faction that controls the Imperial City will be able to name a player the Emperor. 

If you've already read the Game Informer article then you know the details but for those who haven't the first few pages detail the approach the developers are taking, and that approach sounds extremely familiar. ZeniMax Online's Paul Sage says early in the article, " needs to be comfortable for people who are coming from a typical massively multiplayer game that has the same control mechanisms, but it also has to appeal to Skyrim player." Okay, sounds fair to me, your trying to pull in a new market while trying to keep the old one. So how are they doing this? Okay, stop me if this sounds like something you've heard before: You play the game in third person, the combat system orients around skills on a hotbar, and your attacks have a cooldown rate. What game does that sound like? Oh, World of Warcraft (among others). No surprise since they literally called them "World of Warcraft mechanics."

Well at least it'll be free roam right? Nope. Just like dozens of other MMO's before it, regions are locked off until you've progressed to certain level. Oh and some areas are going to stay locked off so the can be included after release as expansion content. NPC's won't run on the life bustling schedules they do in the RPG's, and you won't be able to be a home owner because it's "too hard to implement in an MMO." 

Am I the only one who read that and grew a little concerned over it? 

When the news first broke, and I got my hands on the article, I was excited. After reading it and seeing the developers plans I am worried and now fear I may soon have to add The Elder Scrolls to the list of franchises I loved that got run straight into the ground. This is an opportunity to take an already deep and expansive world, and open it's floodgates so that players could enjoy the world with each other. The Elder Scrolls is, perhaps, the most popular Western RPG in the world. The series has millions of fans, and millions more have discovered the franchise thanks to Skyrim's critical, commercial, and public success. As long as ZeniMax Online stays true to the Elder Scrolls formula, it could be new ground for the MMO experience. Except it appears they won't be. 

The two biggest things that make Elder Scrolls the franchise it is are the free roam free roam, and it's first person perspective. The first person perspective isn't unique to RPG's, but it is very rare, and it is one of the qualities that has always set Bethesda's RPG's apart from others. It's not the most important part of the game, but it provides a greater sense of being there, and adds to the immersion factor. It is breathtaking to climb to High Hrothgar then stare off into the horizon, or to duel a dragon as it breaths fire in your face, or to gaze up in wonder at the bizarre, but gorgeous evening sky in the Shivering Isles. Even more important though is the free roam. The Elder Scrolls series has always been about going where you want, doing what you want, whenever you feel like it. Your never forced to follow through the story, and you never told to approach the game a certain way to be successful. You can roam around and search for quests, or you can go dungeon diving. You can sign up with a guild, or go rooting through the woods for alchemy ingredients. Even if the game suggests you not do it, you can still do it. Hell, in Morrowind you could actually break the games story by killing plot-essential characters.This quality has always been integral to the Elder Scrolls formula.

As it stands right now, it seems that the Elder Scrolls MMO won't be keeping much in common with the experience we have come to love up to this point. The free roam seems like it will be restricted to more traditional MMO wanderings, which takes away one of the most identifiable parts of the Elder Scrolls experience. Then there's games third person perspective. That's not different. I have seen that in every single MMORPG since I can't remember when. I don't think that the Elder Scrolls MMO needs to be strictly adherent to what the series has done up to this point, but it does need to be recognizable, playstyle wise, as the Elder Scrolls. Then there's the first few screenshots of the game. Now the awkward character models are hardly perfect, but Elder Scrolls has an art style all it's own, something that is also somewhat recognizable. I actually had to double check and make sure I was reading the right article when I looked at the screens. The games visual style reminded me a bit too much of World of Warcraft, or if you want a more recent title, Kingdoms of Amalur. Not one of the handful of screenshot reminded me of any part of the realm of Tamriel. At least not the one I've been show up to this point. 

The direction ZeniMax Online seems to be taking isn't bold, it's predictable. This is just another fantasy MMO with very few qualities that make it stand out. It seems as if they're just like several other franchises that want a piece of the massively online pie. There is always debate about why no MMO has ever been able to duplicate the success of World of Warcraft. That's because most of the competitors don't try to be different, they try to use the mechanics that made WoW such a ground breaking experience. However, first impressions are everything, and the first impression of The Elder Scrolls MMO doesn't inspire a lot of hope that this will be anything to really get excited about. 

I will still wait to really judge my feelings on the game once E3 is over and we've gotten an actual look at what ZeniMax Online is up to, but the initial impression has left me very disappointed in the developers vision for this game. As a huge fan of The Elder Scrolls, I had high hopes that this game could really distinguish itself from the traditional MMO experience. Instead, I am concerned that ZeniMax isn't going to stay true to the spirit of the Elder Scrolls. This shouldn't be just another run of the mill fantasy MMO, this should be the reason millions of people disappear from the planet for months.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Newsbrief: No Time to Split

...I use my time unwisely.

It's Monday, and it's also been a week since the last time I posted, so I thought it would be appropriate to discus what's going on right now. Before we get into that, I wanted to update a few things. First off, I'm on Twitter now. Well I guess it would be more appropriate to say I am using my Twitter now. I had created a while back but pretty much forgot about it the second I signed up. If you feel like stalking me, or just want to be one of my followers, there's now a link to it in my links section on the sidebar. Secondly, I'm still trying to increase site traffic so if anyone has any ideas on how I can promote this place, send a comment to me at the end of this post. I already use Facebook and Twitter now so I need something other than that. I'm thinking of doing a giveaway as well, so keep your eyes peeled for more info on that too. Lastly, I'm also now writing for the Sakurahana Anime Network's blog too. I haven't done a whole lot there yet, but there's a good mix of stuff both anime and gaming related there, as well as some other miscellaneous things, so go check them out too!

Alright on to the news.

Timesplitters 4 Not In Development

Dashing the hopes of many fans, Crytek UK confirmed on Sunday that they are not currently developing Timesplitters 4. The development team has reportedly spent all it's money on monkeys (though they did clarify to say the game was not in development.) For the past few years teaser art has leaked here and there, and there were rumors in 2010 that developers were talking with publishers about getting the game released. It's a real shame too, because Timesplitters has a reputation has one of the finest first person shooter franchises from the last generation of consoles. However the series has not been seen on this batch of consoles, and it now seems as if the franchise may be in danger of disappearing altogether.

Bethesda Announces First Skyrim DLC

Bethesda announced, alongside their release of Kinect functionality, the first downloadable content for Elder Scrolls V:: Skyrim. Dawnbreaker will release at some point this summer, and is a timed exclusive to the Xbox  360. Details are scarce as of now, Bethsda only confirmed the DLC and announced that more details will come at E3. Given that Bethesda has said that the DLC for Skyrim will be more like expansion packs, this could be a fairly sizable chunk of new content headed our way. Some leaked files have pointed to snow elves and crossbows, but for now it seems we will have to do a little more waiting to see what Bethesda is up to.

Black Ops 2 Confirmed

The UK site for Call of Duty has confirmed the newest installment in the franchise is Black Ops II. The site says the game will "Push the boundaries of what fans have come to expect from the record setting franchise, Call of Duty: Black Ops II propels players into a near future, 21st Century Cold war, where technology and weapons have converged to create a new generation of warfare." A trailer and screenshots are listed as "coming soon" on the site.

Nvida Announces New $999 Flagship Card

Last week, Nvidia teased a coming announcement. Now we know what they were hiding. Nvidia peeled off the covers on their new flagship graphics card, the GeForce GTX 690. The sleek new card is touted to have the performance of two GTX 680's tied together. The performance chart that Kotaku shared boasted some extremely impressive FPS stats. The card will be released on May 3rd and can be yours for the low low price of $999.

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