Saturday, August 27, 2011

News: Shepard Can Lose, Skyrim Same-Sex Marriage, and more!

...investigative reporting without the investigation.

This week was filled with interesting information reveals for games coming out over the next few months, as well as a Warthog preview in Forza. Yes, the Halo Warthog as it will appear in Halo 4 (supposedly)was show off in Forza 4. No you can not drive it. Not in Forza anyway...

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Will Allow Same-Sex Marrige
In case you didn't hear already, Bethesda is taking a page out of Peter Molyneux's book and allowing you to marry NPC's and have relationships with them in Skyrim. Skyrim will allow men to marry men, and ladies to marry ladies, if they so choose. As far as I'm concerned, good on Bethesda for not restricting marriage to men and women only. I also like their response that it's not even that big a deal. The same-sex part not the relationship mechanic itself. That part is supposed to be very useful, partially because your partner can accompany you around the game world, offer you relationship-specific quests, and probably some other things we haven't seen yet.

You Can Lose In Mass Effect 3

As much as I didn't want to read this, I already kind of knew it should be possible. Bioware has confirmed that if you play Mass Effect 3 and have been screwing things up royally from Eden Prime to the final showdown with the reapers, you can fail to stop them. Bioware has already said there are many possible endings for Mass Effect 3 and that it all comes down to the choices you've made, so really this isn't so much a shocking reveal as it is a confirmation of our suspicions. Still, failing so bad the entire galaxy is wiped out. How many games can say you can even do that?

Turn 10 Shows Off Halo 4's Warthog in Forza 4's Showroom
Turn 10 has made on hell of a crossover with Halo at Halofest, showing off the first look at Halo 4's version of the Warthog in Forza 4's car viewing garage mode. You can check it out yourself when Forza 4 ships this fall, but the Halofest execs stressed that you can not race the vehicle in the game (they say because it's too slow, I say because it'd be too much awesome) , and even unlocking the vehicle to view will involve some dedication from players. They haven't said what it will take to unlock it, but they have said it won't be easy.

Man Sues Microsoft for $500 Billion Dollars

I really wish I was making that up. To sum the story up for those of us non-legal folk, David Stebbins found a loophole that allows Xbox consumers to amend the Terms of Service. Microsoft, by law, has to respond to the letter by either adding the changes or (as per Stebbins terms) cancel his account. If they didn't respond in ten days, Microsoft would be forced to submit to the new terms. Stebbins' added in a 'forfeit victory clause' that said Microsoft would have to pay him $500 billion dollars if they did not respond within 24 hours of the new Terms going into effect. Guess what Microsoft did not do? Now let me be upfront about this: No matter the legal implications of this, there is no chance that Microsoft will ever be forced to pay all that money to this guy. I can't even speculate what the hell is going to happen with this, but I can tell you right now, this guy has a better chance of being bit by a shark, hit by lightning, winning the lottery, and winning a Nobel Prize in the space of five minutes, then he does of getting that money.

Thats all for this weeks news. Check back next week to see if Half Life 3 has been announced! (spoiler alert: it won't be.)

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