Friday, August 26, 2011

EA Decides Turn 10 Can't Use Porsche License - And Important News

...I prefer Ferrari's anyway.

This news is yet another example of why we the people can not have nice things.

Chances are that if your a racing game enthusiast you have played one of the Forza games, or at least know it is the Xbox equivalent of Gran Turismo. Turn 10, the developer behind the Forza games does not have the rights to use the Porsche likeness in a game. That sole exclusive right belongs to EA, and has for quite some time. Since the first title in the Forza franchise, Turn 10 has been able to put Porsche's in the game through a sub licensing deal with EA for the past three titles in the franchise.

The logo of pure evil. Or just, you know, people obsessed with money.

Not this time though.

For whatever reason (I like to assume because the EA execs are to busy swimming in their pool of money and gamers tears to pay attention) EA decided that one of the biggest racing games of the year doesn't get to have one of the most recognizable brands in the automotive world. Turn 10 has stated they have tried numerous times to get EA to change their minds about the decision, but to no avail.

Nobody is winning here. EA is not helping their image in any way by deciding that Turn 10 can't borrow their 'Porsche Ball' for a little bit. After all, they had no problem with it the past three titles in the series, what changed in the fourth? Maybe they think their own NFS franchise should have the perk of being the only game that has Porches. If that's the case, I see why they would decide to withhold the license.

I still think it's a bad move though. EA doesn't have an excellent relationship with hardcore gamers, and even some casual gamers know of EA's reputation to care more about the money than with game quality. I get that. Games are a business, but why can't we share? EA's not making any friends with this move, and it's bothering me that they are so unflinching in their decision. I'm sure Turn 10 is willing to pay quite handsomely to use the license so why not let us have our Porsches EA?

I'm not going to say EA will regret this move, but as I said, they aren't making any friends with this.

And...that's it. That's all I got right now. But starting Saturday's I'll be doing a weekly post on the various things happening in the video game industry. It's not a big thing, but it'll keep things flowing more here.

Until then.

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