Sunday, October 2, 2011

Show Some Appreciation - We Don't Have To Have Betas

... I love the metro.

The Battlefield 3 Beta has been live for about a week now for those who had early access, and somehow the complaining has been constant it seems. There is plenty that needs fixing but, hey it's a beta, not a finished product, and the whole point of having a beta is to see what is working right and what isn't. That said we're supposed to be as judgmental as possible so the developer can see what isn't working, and what people like or don't like about the game. This gives them time to fix things up a bit before the game is released.

But what I don't get is why people are complaining about what ISN'T in the beta.

I'm with you guys who want another map, it'd be cool if we could roll around in vehicles and uh....test that too. But at the end of the day, this is not the full game, and things are going to be missing, and we can't get the full experience until we buy the game.

Bu if you think that I'm just pointing out the people who just want a new map, your wrong. Some people were downright angry when DICE announced that Operation: Metro was the one, and only, map in the beta. There was such a negative reaction to the announcement that PR rep Daniel Matros went off on the EA forums for Battlefield a week and a half ago, saying, "The vibe I'm getting now is just that tons of ungrateful people don't understand how much work we are putting on this game how many overtime hours we are doing and also how many meetings we are in to ship a game like this."

He did go on to explain why they picked Metro, but the point is valid. I think we sometimes forget the hell developers go through in the final month of development. If you think it's some kind of joke, or don't believe the crunch is all that difficult, trust me, look it up sometime. The last month of game development is filled with all-nighters, late night meetings, last minute changes to complex part of the game, and in some cases this comes with very little room for error. It's not fun, and only those who truly love what they do would go through it. Now factor running a beta into that mess. Do you really think the developer needs to hear whining about what map the picked to put in the beta? 

I'm not saying you can be upset with things that are in the beta, or be disappointed by the map because you played it and didn't like it, but complaining before the Beta was even out, or complaining that they should "have to" release a map with vehicles on it isn't okay.

We've forgotten that Beta's aren't something we are entitled to have. It is a developers choice, and when people pull of the stunts they've been pulling with the Battlefield 3 Beta, it might make other developers hesitant about releasing one. For me, nothing is more satisfying then having played a game early and given feedback that will help shape the game in some way or form, so why do some people think it's a demo of a finished project, or that they should be getting more than what they are already given (for free I might add.) Yes it is a developers job, of sorts, to listen to the player during a beta. But not about why their map selection blows. That doesn't help make the game better. 

But maybe I'm a minority here, and that's fine with me. 

Battlefield 3: Ungrateful Fans Get an Earful From DICE

Alright, this will probably be my last chance to ask before the big day comes around, but I'm still looking for donations for Extra Life. It's coming up really soon (the 15th of October) and I really want to try and top the measly little dollar figure I got for Fletcher Allen last year.

The link at the top of the right hand page will take you to my donation page where you can learn more and donate. I will seriously be forever indebted to those of who put something forward. Every cent really does help, and the appreciation I have for every cent is huge.

Until next time people...

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