Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Marshmallow Fluff! Reviews: Skullgirls

These days it is very rare to see a brand new fighting game emerge onto the scene, especially when the genre is dominated by the top tier titles like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. It is even harder to try and carve out a place for a new fighting game to succeed, again because of the iron grip the major series in the genre have.

Enter Skullgirls, a 2D fighting game that blends a unique art style with a serious approach to the fighting game model. Don't let the downloadable game tag fool you: if you are a fighting game veteran you will feel right at home here. The game was developed with it's genre's community in mind. It was tested by the community and has been revised several times based on their feedback. The result is an excellent 2D fighter with a lot of potential to become something even greater.

Skullgirls story revolves around the eight playable characters in the game fighting for control over the Skull Heart, a mysterious artifact with the ability to grant a girls wish. The catch is that if the girl is impure of heart, the Skull Heart transforms the user into the Skullgirl, a monster that can unleash total devastation on the world. The world the game is set in is filled to the brim with criminal organization, strife, and conflict. At the start of the games story mode a new Skullgirl has emerged, causing the paths of a few young women to cross.

The games fights can be carried out in different matchups ranging 1v1's to 3v3's including any mix in between. The game is a little light on modes, There's a training mode, a short story mode for each of the eight characters, a randomized arcade ladder, and offline/online multiplayer. While there's not a whole lot to do, the basics are there.

The fighting mechanics themselves are excellent. The controls and set up are reminiscent of games like Marvel vs. Capcom, and the game plays fluidly with a quick pace to match. There are plenty of combos and strategies to be found, and the system really has been designed with the thought that the game can be played competitively in tournaments. Not that surprising given that long time tournament fighter Mike Zaimont served as the games project lead and lead designer. The games roster of wacky characters is incredibly diverse, covering all sorts of play styles, and each characters personality just as distinct. The options extend even further when you get into picking your team. You can pick from one to three characters to play with, and when bringing multiple characters in you will be able to perform assist attacks with the ones sitting on the sidelines. These attacks are customizable as well, which offers even more strategic options. Skullgirls will also automatically balance larger teams against stronger ones so that the fights are never one sided. The games online multiplayer is also a lot of fun, and runs really smoothly. You will certainly want to head online with this game.

The games system is not without issues though. This is not a very friendly game for newcomers. The AI unleashes relentless combos and attacks even on the lowest difficulty, and their aggression will quickly frustrate new players. There are also no move lists or references to be found anywhere (though Reverge has stated that all the characters move sets will be on their website soon.) That omission also robs new players of an aid that can help them learn, and even forces veterans to do a little learning. The games arcade ladder mode is also a bit funky, sometimes matching you with nearly identical teams back to back, something that can get a bit boring in a mode that is supposed to be about quick, fun, no nonsense, fights. There are also a few bugs that crop up once in awhile, something that will probably fixed through patches later, but still a problem as of now.

This game is defiantly a fun fighter. However, a big part of this games appeal is it's aesthetics. The animations are absolutely stunning for 2D fighter, and the art is superb. Hand drawn characters rarely look this good. The game is extremely funny as well, with great one-liners, and it deliberately pokes fun at some of gaming's in-jokes. That said, this game can feel a little over sexualized. This game features an (as of now) all girl cast, and the designers took full advantage of this. The characters undergarments are visible quite frequently, and some of their combos and moves could give a few fan service heavy anime a run for their money. It's not a downside per-say, but it is a noticeable element that could bother some people. All that aside though, this games art style is certainly a stand out, and really catches the eye, and has a unique charm.

Skullgirls is a wonderful surprise. It's refreshing to see a western development team tackle this genre. It's a downloadable title, but it certainly could hold it's own against the big titles in the genre. Skullgirls has a lot of promise it can build on in the future, and the potential for a large community to build up around this game is possible. While it has it's faults, and it's a little content light, this is defiantly a game worth playing, and will give veteran fighting game fans something new to enjoy.


Skullgirls mechanics are solid, and the balanced and varied, albeit small,  character roster make this game a blast to play. It is a little harsh on newcomers.


The characters are all well voiced and varied. The music sets the mood, matching the art style well, but it doesn't really standout.


Small story, but solid enough to get you at least a little interested. The hilarious lines the characters yell in combat will give you laugh or two, and the game has a great sense of humor.

Graphics and Design 

The art direction is remarkable, with a very nice art deco feel, and the setting for each battle area is wonderfully presented. The character designs are impeccable, although the amount of fan service could turn a few people off this one.

Lasting Appeal 

While the game itself is a lot of fun, the lack of modes holds this game back. The online multiplayer is great, but also suffers from a lack of choices in what to do.

Final Verdict!

Very Fluffy

Avalible on Xbox Live and PSN Network for $15.00 MSRP
Developed by Reverge Games

Image Sources:
#1. http://cache.kotaku.com/assets/images/9/2011/02/xlarge_skullgirls.jpg
#2. http://shoryuken.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/skullgirls-bloodymarie.png
#3. http://www.theaveragegamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/skullgirls_gamescom_parasoul_screens_02.jpg
#4. http://storage.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/skullgirls_pt_03_thumb.jpg

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