Monday, July 4, 2011

A Very Special Notice


You may notice that there as no message after the dots. You may have also noticed that this is a notice, not an actual blog update. Well let me explain why...

Video games are one of the things I am most passionate about in the entire universe. I am also very passionate about helping those in need. Some people who need help the most are children with life-threatening diseases. In 2008 the Sarcastic Gamer Community started Extra Life to help raise money for children with life threatening illnesses. You can read the whole story and find out more about Extra Life at the website link below, but to sum it up, Extra Life is a 24 hour marathon where we have a blast playing games, while helping children around the world when they need it most.

This is a very important event to me, so I want everyone reading this to pitch in in one of three ways:

#1. Once my fundraising page is up, donate as much as you can spare to the cause. I'll take pennies if you've got 'em.
#2. Become a participant yourself, I could use the company on the Marshmellow Fluff Team!
#3. Spread the word to EVERYONE you know. Even your pets!

If you want to donate, head to my page here: If you want to play go here: and sign-up and select the hospital closest to you (or which ever one you want to have your money go to if you have one in mind outside of your area.)

The day to play is October 15th, so there's plenty of time, but the sooner the word is out, the more we can do to contribute to this worthwhile cause. As I said, this is a very important event to me, and every thing you guys do to help will mean the world to me, and to these kids who really need the support.

Together, we can make a big difference. So let's do just that.


P.S. Oh you can also check out my team and donate to the others participating with me here

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