Saturday, August 25, 2012

RIP Neil Armstrong

One of the most important men of our era passed away today at 82 years old. He may not be a gaming figure but he is, in my opinion, one of the most iconic men to have lived and is deserving of what meagre praise I can offer. Neil was an expert pilot, who served the US Navy during the Korean war, flying 78 missions, and tested planes afterwards. He was married twice and had three children However, Armstrong will forever be remembered for being the first man to set foot on another body of our solar system besides Earth. His words, "That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind," mark one of the most important moments of human history. Obama that he is "among the greatest of American heroes - not just of his time, but of all time." I personally feel that he is so much more than that. He is one of the men who will be remembered long into the future. When the first person sets foot on Mars it will be another large step of human history. When we live among the stars and travel vast distances to see worlds beyond our wildest imaginations we will remember the man who took the first step on that journey. Perhaps it speaks levels of his desire to help us continue that journey when two years ago, at the age of 80, Armstrong said he would gladly offer his services as commander of a mission to Mars if he were asked.

RIP Neil Armstrong
August 5th 1930
August 25th 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012

News: Getting Back Into The Swing of Things, Dragon Age III Rumors

...It's been awhile

Well after a few months of, well, basically nothing, I finally have a new laptop, and I finally am ready to get back to blogging. If you have come back to continue reading after my long absence, thanks. If your new to Marshmallow Fluff!, then thanks for taking some time to check out my blog, and I hope you'll keep coming back. I plan to keep this more updated with news and rumors as well as my usual brand of more serious and interesting, and occasionally funny articles about the industry and about games themselves.

Without further adieu, let's get back to it.

Dragon Age III Rumors

A few posters from the Bioware Social page are reporting that they recently took part in a survey about key design elements for Dragon Age III. NeoGaf has also gotten in contact with one poster who says his survey was slightly different than the one that's already making the rounds on the net.

The story, as reported by Stratagey Informer, seems to center around the civil war between the mages and templars that sparked near the end of Dragon Age II. The game appears to take place in Orlais, with once such description reading:
"A portal between the worlds unleashes hords [SIC] of demons in the land, civil wars rip apart nations and the corruption is limitless. Someone is behind the shadows, drawing the threads which destroy the world. Time has come for the Inquisition.
Take the Inquisitor's cloak and lead the only force able of bringing light into the darkness. Choose the direct method and gather your armies, send spies into the shadows or engage in a political war, make friends and use your connections indirectly: it is up to you how you lead the inquisition. But you'll have to take lead of it from the beginning. Make your player a rogue, warrior or mage and set up your crew from up to ten (!) complex companions to lead them against those who attack you by systematically spying on, revealing and destroying them."
 The survey also seems to have had concept art of possible companions, as well as several possible game titles. There was also a Dragon Age III logo floating around but it appears that that is a fan made logo. NeoGaf's forums seem to be rather hesitant to think Dragon Age III could be any better than Dragon Age II, and are criticising the focus on the mages and templars, mostly because of how it has been handled. As for me, I think it's an attempt at a different approach, and if true, it's a familiar formula, all be it with a bit of a new twist. EA has been contacted by other sites for confirmation.

NeoGaf Forums Discussion
Bioware Social Forums Discussion
Kotaku - Report: More Dragon Age III Info - UPDATED